The great English sculptor Henry Moore said the sculpture that moved him most gave out “something of the energy and power of great mountains.” The New England landscape has inspired outstanding sculptors who are exploring myth and metaphor through material form. They use the region’s materials including granite, marble and wood to create work that is as powerful as the places that inspired them. A wealth of sculpture is created in our region.
Sculpture invites us to more fully engage with our environment. It helps focus our attention on nature’s materials and forms. Sculpture has presence and enlivens a setting. As we interact with sculpture, our senses are heightened and we become more acutely aware of the intricate beauty of place.
“There is a role for sculpture today that has ancient roots. It sets up a relationship with the land and enlivens a place. Sculpture can provide a focal point for a contemplative garden. Sculpture holds a place throughout the seasons in a garden setting, making us more aware of natural forces. A strong piece of sculpture will continue to reveal itself over time and celebrate the beauty of the material, the sensual appreciation of form, and its setting.” -JL

LANDSCAPE by Cabot Lyford – Granite

CURVES OF LIFE by George Sherwood – stainless steel